Vet Basics

Anatomical Directions

Anatomical Directions

Please select an anatomical direction

Dorsal | Ventral
Dorsal | Ventral

Feline Dorsal | Ventral

Dorsal | Ventral

Feline Cranial | Caudal

Cranial | Caudal

Feline Rostral | Caudal

Rostral | Caudal

Feline Medial | Lateral

Medial | Lateral

Feline Proximal | Distal

Proximal | Distal

Canine Dorsal | Ventral

Dorsal | Ventral

Canine Cranial | Caudal

Cranial | Caudal

Canine Rostral | Caudal

Rostral | Caudal

Canine Medial | Lateral

Medial | Lateral

Canine Proximal | Distal

Proximal | Distal

Equine Dorsal | Ventral

Dorsal | Ventral

Equine Cranial | Caudal

Cranial | Caudal

Equine Rostral | Caudal

Rostral | Caudal

Equine Medial | Lateral

Medial | Lateral

Equine Proximal | Distal

Proximal | Distal

Veterinarians don’t usually say words like “front, back, left, right, top or bottom” to describe different locations on an animal. That’s because those directions will change if an animal changes its position. Instead, to prevent confusion, animal doctors use other terms to describe a location on a pet.

Use this fun tool to learn the veterinary way to give “directions” on an animal.

Written by: Dr. Chris Carpenter
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March 15 - 11:03am

Dr Chris, please post more educational blogs


Dr. Chris Carpenter
March 17 - 01:03pm

We are working hard to provide you as much educational material as possible. Thanks for becoming a member!

January 25 - 12:01pm

how can you tell which caudal the vet is talking about. the one towards the brain or the one towards the tail???


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