
The 2024 Summer of Shadowing and Volunteering

Mar 10, 2024 2:03PM

Vet Set Go is excited to launch our “Summer of Shadowing and Volunteering” campaign! We have thousands of Vet Volunteer app users and we want them to share their stories. Let's share our shadowing tips and experiences with each other so that more and more future veterinarians will be motivated to volunteer this summer.

How it Works..

At the beginning of each month we will look at the previous months users of the Vet Volunteer App. We will scan the data to find:

  • Who has been out there volunteering this past month?
  • Who are the new users who have just downloaded the app?
Cat Exam Shadow

We will then randomly reach out to some of these app users and invite them to share their story with the community. We will ask them to share things like:

  • Why do you want to become a vet?
  • Where are you shadowing?
  • How hard was it to find your fist volunteer opportunities?
  • What would you recommend to students looking for a place to shadow?
  • And what do you think of the Vet Volunteer App so far?


Thanks to our sponsor VCA Animal Hospitals, we will reward our contributors with Amazon gift certificates, books and so much more! Stay tuned because so much more is planned for the summer!

Join our Summer of Shadowing! If you haven’t already, download the Vet Volunteer app. We are anxious to talk to new users like you who are just starting to track your journey. Go here to learn all you can about shadowing and how you can get started. And if you are already out there volunteering and shadowing, be sure to use the Vet Volunteer app to track all your shadowing hours. At the beginning of each month, we will start reaching out to some users to share their stories.

Student App Use

But don’t wait for us to find you! If you have a volunteering or shadowing story you want to share, contact us, and let us know what you are up to. We’ll help you pass on your experiences to other future vets. Chances are, they are going through the same thing as you!

Vet Set Go was created to ENCOURAGE future veterinarians and show them HOW to explore their dream. Shadowing veterinarians and volunteering with animals is so important for your future and we are here to help you have a summer full of experiences. None of this would be possible without the support of VCA Animal Hospitals who are working with us every day to support the future of veterinary medicine.

Dr. Chris Carpenter
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