Hi! I'm Sophie from NY and I'm 14. I've always loved animals and science, ever since I can remember. I was so excited to review the book, Vet Set Go! In fact, when it came in the mail, I was at Veterinary Science sleep away camp! I enjoyed reading the book Vet Set Go! It was interesting to read a veterinarian's childhood experiences as I was also an owner of a senior age cat and now have a kitten. One idea from the book I was happy to read about were the multiple checklists for different scenarios. For example, there were guides for choosing veterinary camps and an outline on how to ask to shadow a vet and a sample note to send afterward as a thank you. Another idea I enjoyed was the case files of future veterinarians, hopefully like me! "Chapter 3: Become A Shadow" was my favorite chapter because I was able to recently get a shadowing opportunity with my local vet. This chapter helped guide me for the experience and gave me a glimpse of what I was expected to see before I go to the clinic. This chapter also provided definitions of certain vocabulary words such as cystocentesis and I was able to learn more about daily veterinary procedures through other real life shadow experiences. Chapter 2 sparked my interest in possibly seeking to attend a Veterinary Summer College program next summer to learn more about my favorite subject. Actually, this summer, I attended a 1-week sleep away camp focused on veterinary sciences through Centenary Summer Scholars in NJ. I absolutely loved it and highly recommend it as we got to learn about muscles, bones and body systems in animals such as horses, dogs, cows and pigs. We also participated in dissections of rats, sheep hearts and brains, frogs and pigs and took animal based field trips. We also attended daily lectures for 4 hours a day, (but no tests or homework!) and took notes on diseases, first aid and annual pet check ups. Our class had an amazing experience of learning to take a cat's heart rate from my teacher who brought her pet cat to the classroom. We also all had fun meeting other teens who also want to become veterinarians. It was a fantastic summer science experience!
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Dr. Chris Carpenter
Thank you so much for reading Vet Set Go and for sharing all that you have done to explore your dream. The Centenary Summer Scholars program sounds like it was great.
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