
My Veterinary Experience

Feb 24, 2018 8:02PM

Hi, I’m Sofia, I’m 14 years old and I’m an animal lover who has wanted to be a veterinarian for as long as I can remmeber. This year, over the summer, I attended a Veterinary camp in New Jersey for a week. The camp is located in Centenary College and allows the campers to stay in the dorms for the week. I really loved the camp, it allowed us to dissect different animals and explore what each organ and structure looked like. I dissected an owl’s pellet, a rat, a fetal pig and two frogs as well as a sheep’s brain and a sheep’s heart. We also took a lot of notes on common diseases of different animals and different jobs for animal lovers. After that experience I tried to look into volunteer opportunities in animal shelters near my area, and I checked in 6 different places but for all of them the age requirement was 16 or older, so I was very upset because I really wanted to learn more and help other animals, I would like to attend more veterinary camps in the future and some open houses and veterinary shadowing, is there any way I can somehow get into volunteering or a shadowing program at my age?

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Dr. Chris Carpenter
February 24 - 08:02pm

Hey Sophia, Thanks for sharing. We understand how hard it is to find places to get experience. Try looking at the Activities section of our website Also consider getting the Vet Set Go book. I wrote it to give you ideas on how to get experience Finally, send me the email for the Centenary College camp at It would be great to share that camp with future visitors to Vet Set Go.

February 25 - 12:02am

Thank you and here is the link to the veterinary summer camp

March 9 - 09:03pm

When I was your age, I did the junior program at my local shelter in Northern California and so I was able to volunteer if my mom came with me. Try to see if there are any programs around you that has that! Definitely keep getting a lot of veterinary experience, as much as possible.

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