
My Summer Internship

Sep 28, 2023 1:09PM

In this photo, I am at Charlotte Companion Animal Hospital doing a nail trim on a patient post-surgery. I started shadowing there in March of 2023 and am still currently there. I would have to say my favorite experience at the hospital would be shadowing ultrasounds on dogs to see if they are pregnant. It is such a beautiful moment for everyone involved. I have not yet transferred my hours into vetsetgo but will be doing that very soon.

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Dr. Chris Carpenter
September 28 - 01:09pm

What a great post. Please log your hours on the Vet Volunteer app as soon as you can. The best part of the app is it lets you notate all the things you did each day. That will help you remember for your future vet college applications and interviews. Thanks Dr. Carpenter

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