
My Animal Story

May 29, 2017 5:05PM

Hi guys! My name is Betsy Beatty and I love animals! I am 13 going on 14 in November. I have two Golden Border Collie Australian Shepherd mixes. One of them is named Maggie, my parents rescued her before I was born so unless I was on vacation or something, I always had access to animals. She is one of my closest friends. When I was in grade school I was bullied for reasons I still do not know today. My family was always there for me and my dog would always do everything she could to cheer me up after a hard day. She is in her old age now, and has occasional seizures which aways upset me. She has never lost her sweet, loyal, friendly personality. My other pupper is a nine week old puppy named Lady, and lots of trouble! She is nippy and playful and is always playing with chewing she shouldn't, despite the wide array of toys we have bought for her. Never the less she is worth the trouble and really cute. She has the same sweet personality of Maggie. As I am writing this she is probably trying to figure out some sort of trouble because she is following my mom around the kitchen staring at her. Maggie is not to thrilled with the new arrival, she's probably thinking "C'mon guys I'm too old for this little ankle -biter!". Maggie still gets just as much attention though. I also have a almost 5 year old black and white Guinea Pig named Oreo. He is a very curious little guy, and he will love you forever if you feed him a carrot. He is very cute and very tolerant. I have a horse, named Griffin, who is a bay. I have longed for a horse for a while and did lessons on him. My instructor saw my genuine love for horses and she gave him to me! He is a great dude, and very athletic. I love him and I'm sure he loves me back. I love all my animals and it always breaks my heart to see them sick. I had always wanted to be a vet, every since I was a little kid I had. I also used to want to become a jockey but being a vet has always been my major goal. I remember having a play doctor's kit, and instead of using it on human's I used it on a very tolerant Maggie. I found out about this website through the contest it was holding to earn a free scholarship to the camp. I was naturally excited to win this, but, alas I did not. There's always next year, and I am not willing to give up! Instead over the summer I am sure I will do something else vet related. Like shadowing a local vet for a day. I love this website, and all the people here have a genuine love for animals.

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June 12 - 03:06pm

Cool! I love your stories and the first comment I ever posted was on this page with advice for your little puppy Lady.

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