This was my first summer shadowing at my local veterinary office, 10 years old. I got to go a handful to times and observe different doctors and different procedures. The experience shadowing strengthened by desire to continue in this field. Going to keep studying on Vet Set Go until then!
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Dr. Chris Carpenter
Love this post! 10 years old! How did you find this opportunity? How did you let them know that you wanted to come into their hospital?
So excited that your desire is even stronger to become a veterinarian after this experience.
Thank you Dr Carpenter! My dad helped me get the shadowing opportunity. I would go with him to check ups with my dog, Bella, and got to know Dr Milby. Dr. Milby shadowed when she was my age and was willing to have me over the summer. I did share my grades, and made a resume about my interest. Shared my work with Vet Set Go too!
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